October 5, 2021 8:15:00 AM EDT | USASF
When it comes to activities, there is no end to the options available for kids.
If you have kids, spend even a little time online or browsing social media and you’ll discover an endless parade of ads and information on kids’ activities. Coding, gaming, arts and crafts and zoo experience opportunities are just a few of the options when it comes to time-filling enrichment ideas.
Sports classes, or sporting activities, will sometimes find a place in the ads and information overload, but not always. Individual and local sports teams, organizations or gyms often don’t have the resources to market or advertise, and so they will rely on word-of-mouth and local networks to attract and recruit new members.
The problem is, with COVID-19 and social distancing putting a barrier between even the simplest interaction, many of these local sports classes are suffering. When looking for an enriching activity for kids, it’s easy to overlook local opportunities. It’s too bad, because there is a lot to love with sports classes for kids.
There is a distinct difference between sports and sports classes.
A sport can be as simple as a quick pick-up game in the park. If you have a soccer ball and a few bags, you can be playing in just a few minutes. Tossing a football in the front yard is another example of a sport.
Sports classes bring in an additional element. The focus isn’t just on playing, but also teaching the fundamentals of the game. It’s on learning and improving as well as having fun and engaging in physical activity. With the right class and instructor, you don’t have to wheedle, cajole and trick children into getting off the couch and out of the house.
Along the way, you’ll discover additional benefits that you won’t find in other activities for kids.
Every program is different, just like every child and every family. However, there are a few benefits you can count on when you find a strong local sports class.
As the opportunities for social interaction grow, and the need for social distancing lessens, parents will be looking for classes and activities for kids. Make sure to take the time to investigate and find the sports classes and gyms in your areas.
Want some help? The USASF is proud to offer the All Star Club Finder. Simply type in your ZIP code and the Finder will list local gyms offering All Star programs. Take some time to find the sports classes that work best for your kids. The USASF is here to help.
The U.S. All Star Federation (USASF) has a mission to support and enrich the lives of our All Star athletes and members. We strive to provide consistent rules and safety guidelines, drive competitive excellence and promote a positive image for the sport. The USASF credentials coaches, certifies legality officials and sanctions events - all with the goal to provide the safest possible environment in which athletes may train and compete. Founded in 2003, we are a not-for-profit corporation established in Tennessee and governed by bylaws, officers, a board of directors and fifteen standing committees.
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